Driving Simulation for

Driving Research

Developing the Insights that Drive Innovation

“STISIM Drive has been a mainstay of my research agenda. The STI staff have worked with me over the years to really make sure I have the most up-to-date information and support. It's been wonderful working with them.”

Dr. Anne Dickerson

Professor, East Carolina University & Director

Research for the Older Adult Driving Initiative (ROADI)


With over 30 years of market presence, it is clear why STISIM Drive®, from Systems Technology Inc., continues to be the most trusted driving simulator for R&D departments, universities, and automotive manufacturers.

OT behind a driving simulator

Grounded In Research

Our driving simulator has helped pave the way for over 1,200 peer-reviewed studies across multiple industries and sectors, including:

  • Pharmaceutical R&D and clinical trials
  • Automotive design
  • Sleep deprivation and fatigue
  • Pharmacologic agents
  • Alcohol-related impairment
  • Disease manifestation
  • Geriatrics
  • Cognitive & human factors
  • Effects of stroke & TBI (traumatic brain injury)

Core Components

  • More than 90 included driving scenarios
  • STISIM Drive Scenario Definition Language (SDL)
  • Expansion modules for custom hardware and software
  • Interactive and programmable roadway events
  • Detailed help files, documentation, and user resources
  • Scenario playback
  • Supports automatic or manual transmissions
  • International signage
  • Left and right side of the road driving
  • English and metric units

Scenario Building

At the heart of the STISIM Drive Research Suite is the Scenario Definition Language (SDL). SDL is an easy-to-use scripting language that allows for user-designed roadway environments and driving situation events:

  • Define intersections, vehicles, pedestrians, traffic control devices, buildings, flora, and fauna.
  • Intelligent, programmable traffic and pedestrians to present hazardous situations.
  • Uses highway specifications to define roadway profiles, including curvature and transitions, cross-sectional slopes, etc.
  • Driver assessment tasks include car following, divided attention, pedal reaction times, and many more.
  • User-definable data collection, including vehicle dynamic states, timing, distances, collision statistics, and traffic infractions

Open and Flexible

Users can interface with STISIM Drive using programming languages like C++ to create custom applications or expand the driving simulator’s functionality using STISIM Drive expansion modules:

Open Module
Integrate custom hardware and write custom source code modules that can be plugged into the STISIM Drive® simulation loop. Use standard C#, C++, VB, and other Windows® COM compliant languages.
VDANL Drive®

Comprehensive vehicle dynamics capabilities using a composite slip tire model that simulates virtually all driver-induced maneuvering up through spinouts and rollovers. Simulates performance of passenger cars, light trucks, and SUVs.

DUI Module

Specify a BAC or have the driving simulator software compute BAC based on the driver’s gender, age range, body size, number of drinks, and drinking time. Adds realistic time delays to the driver’s inputs and simulates tunnel vision effects that occur at higher BAC levels.


Learn more about the STISIM Drive Research Suite. Our team is ready to answer any questions about our groundbreaking driving simulation technology for clinical therapy, driving research, and driver training

Contact us if you want to learn more about our STISIM driving simulator by giving us a call at 1-310-679-2281 (x5117). We also provide customer support for our existing customers. Stay up-to-date with our growing library of informative content by visit our blog.